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How to Check Your Trades and IBKR Account History on Interactive Brokers: A Step-by-Step Guide

Today, we're diving into the essential process of checking your trades and IBKR account history. Whether you're a seasoned trader or just getting started, understanding how to review your activity is crucial for informed decision-making.

Please find the step-by-step guide below the video.

Step 1: Accessing Your Account

First things first, log in to your Interactive Brokers account. If you're already in your workstation, navigate to the top menu and click on "Account," then select "Activity," followed by "Activity Statement."

Step 2: Selecting the Desired Period

If your workstation isn't open yet, head over to the Interactive Brokers portal and log in. Once logged in, locate the "Performance and reports" section in the top menu. Click on "Statements" to access the same page as before.

Step 3: Viewing Your IBKR Account History

Now, let's delve into your trades history. Click on the arrow next to 'Activity' to reveal a drop down menu. Here, you can select the period you wish to review: daily, a custom range, or month to date. For this demonstration, let's choose 'Daily' and select a previous day.

Step 4: Generating the Report

Keep the format on HTML/View for easy viewing. However, if you prefer to track your trades in detail, selecting 'csv' is a great option. This format allows you to download your trades data, making it convenient for performance analysis over a specific period, such as the last month.

Click 'Run,' and voila! A comprehensive report will be generated, detailing your activity summary. Look for the row labeled 'Trades' to find all the necessary information about your past trades.

Step 5: Optional - Downloading Your Data

If you opted for the 'csv' format, your download would commence automatically, allowing you to save your trades data for further analysis.

And there you have it! Checking your trades and Interactive Brokers IBKR account history is a breeze with these simple steps.

Don't forget to explore our other tutorials for more tips and tricks, and remember, knowledge is power in the world of trading.

Good luck, and happy trading!

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